
Veriha's Entertainment


I drive for Veriha’s Entertainment Division right? And, oh boy, do we Entertainment Drivers find ourselves in some tight spots and sticky situations.

I mean, one of the things I LOVE about this gig is that it pushes me to challenge myself in ways that normal freight driving just…doesn’t.

Like, for example, squeezing my rig down an impossibly narrow alleyway in Cincinnati. Just picture this: patrons sitting at a bar watching me drive towards them, then me repositioning my truck ever so slightly to the left and backing out of the alleyway to get into the dock behind me. Honestly? It’s moments like those where you really have to trust in your skills as a driver and your lead driver backing you in to that tight venue.

But it's not JUST the thrill of the drive that sets this job apart.

With Entertainment, I get to see parts of the country and experience things that I never would have as a regular freight driver. We spend days at a time in cities like Miami and Portland, and I get to explore beaches, parks, museums-you name it! And, with the camaraderie of my fellow drivers, I never feel alone on the road. We support each other through everything from logbook checks to navigating the unfamiliar terrain. It seriously makes all the difference.

One of the most memorable days I had on the job was when I rented a car with my friend, another driver, and we went to visit his uncle and aunt in Ocala, Florida. Then, we went canoeing in Silver Springs and had an amazing lunch at a local restaurant (it was so good). But the REAL highlight? His uncle told us about the World Equestrian Center in Ocala, which is free to the public. We spent hours watching steeple chasing and wild western shows. It was an unforgettable day, there’s no way I would have been able to experience it if not for my job.

So, if you're looking for a job that will challenge you, take you to new places (like the Grand Canyon, or the whole Bad Bunny tour, but those are stories for another day) and give you the chance to see things you never thought possible. I can't recommend driving Veriha’s Entertainment Division enough.

It's a wild ride, and I’m not hopping off.

What about you?

If you wanna watch us Entertainment Driver’s talk about our experiences, check out this YouTube video called Veriha Entertainment – Morgan and Hans Interview!

Can’t wait to hit the road & experience the country with you soon.


Follow this link to apply with Veriha TODAY: .

Veriha's Entertainment

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