
How to Unhook an Automatic Fifth Wheel Release


An automatic fifth wheel release may catch you off guard the first time you encounter one. You may be wondering to yourself how do I unhook an automatic fifth wheel release versus the manual process of the past. Let's look at the steps below!

How to Unhook an Automatic Fifth Wheel Release

Make sure that you are safely parked on an even surface with your parking brakes on.

  • To release the tractor from the trailer the first thing you will want to do is crank the landing gear all the way to the ground until you start to hear the air release.
  • Next, unhook your glad hands.

NOTE: As a safety precaution, never look at the glad hands when releasing them.

When back in the cab of your truck you will want to:

  • Drop your suspension down until it reaches slightly above zero.
  • Place your foot on the brake then hit the button for your fifth wheel release,
  • Hold down the brake for three seconds and you will be able to hear it release
  • Release brakes
  • Put in gear and pull ahead out from underneath the trailer.

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